Retro decoration
Ah! This was the exclamation that slipped out of the scientist's mouth when he discovered this new element. In addition to its constantly changing ...
View full detailsEven back in the days of the Nintendo Gameboy, you could simply switch off with a good round of Kirby and go on an adventure with the little round ...
View full detailsOh, how easy it would have been if the teachers at school or the lecturers at university had read more good science fiction. Then you could have si...
View full detailsIt is magical, sparkles and leaves a rainbow in its wake. In short: it's a unicorn. You shouldn't need any more information at this point. After al...
View full detailsEach to his own. Unless you can be a unicorn. Why? Glitter, rainbows, magic? Hello? What kind of question is that?
Pastafarians of all countries unite! If you're praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and don't have your pasta strainer to hand, you can also spr...
View full detailsBehind you, a three-headed monkey! What, you didn't see him? Maybe you can use this button as a mirror to look behind you. There he is again!
Sometimes you just need a little longer to sort out your thoughts. Just point to the button and finish thinking. That way everyone knows and you ha...
View full detailsThis button can help you CONQUER THE WORLD! HAHAHA! The cute villain from one of the best adventure games of all time won't leave your side and wil...
View full detailsNo. You won't get an explanation of what's so great about this button. Sometimes a simple no has to be enough.
The night of the living dead, now with 100% more cats. Schrödinger's cat has illustrated one of the many interesting aspects of quantum physics and...
View full detailsIt's safe to say that without IT specialists, the world as we know it could hardly function. Most aspects of our lives, whether we realize it or no...
View full detailsWe all know that governments lie. Magic really does exist! How else would this scarred boy fly on a broom? Hah, the power of good arguments. Almost...
View full detailsMathematics is a boring subject for boring people? Hah, nice try! Anyone who has spent even one minute talking to people with a burning passion for...
View full detailsIf you are feeling poorly and need a boost of energy, this button will give you a second life. But please don't try to eat it. You could lick it, b...
View full detailsWe are the Ohm. Resistance is futile! If you like science fiction and scientific jokes, this button is for you. :)
Patches? We don't need patches where we're going! Just this practical button, which provides us with exactly 1.21 gigawatts to get our time machine...
View full detailsWhat's better than a Pi? Eight pi, or more precisely one octopi. This number is exactly eight times more infinite than pi. You don't believe us? Wh...
View full detailsLet's be honest: anyone who needs additional explanations besides the code wouldn't understand your explanations anyway. The next time someone asks...
View full detailsWithout natural sciences, we would know next to nothing about the inner workings of the universe and our bodies. If you take a closer look at how c...
View full detailsEven if this button doesn't contain any caffeine, the sight of it will hopefully give you extra energy. Or you can use it as a reminder that you wa...
View full detailsNow you can attach your own power button to all kinds of things. Get ready to add new features to apples, books, jackets and bags.
Legal doping in button form: Press the button and imagine that the happiness hormone is flooding your body. Guaranteed without side effects ;)
What's worse than involuntarily becoming part of a sadistic series of physics tests? When the damn AI promises you cake, but you don't get any. Now...
View full detailsIt doesn't always have to be a large cattle phi, a herd of small phi can also be very productive. However, it is better not to eat the meat rho...
It's strange that, alongside supporters of authoritarian systems in dystopian novels, scientists of all people make conspicuously frequent mistakes...
View full detailsWhat the Force is to Jedis, the source code is to computer scientists. If you control it, you basically control everything. But remember: with grea...
View full details15 nerds on the admin's chest, yo-ho-ho and a mug of coffee! If ye arrrr one o' them people who be Pi rates, you should tell ever'one by wearing th...
View full detailsIf you can read this text, you have made the right choice and are about to wake up from your dream. Now it's up to you to destroy the evil machines...
View full detailsAre you ready to defend the earth against pixelated monsters from outer space? This button makes you the last line of defense against the alien inv...
View full detailsConfident, happiness alone. With this button you can declare all kinds of things to be your home. But whether other people will accept th...
View full detailsSome things are simply too complex to ignore. Like the fact that you can't (normally) take a root from a -1. Oh, but they had such a beautiful futu...
View full detailsThis button shows other people that it is dangerous to come near you. Or that there are things in the bag it adorns that you shouldn't eat...
Sometimes it just doesn't help: you want to change and integrate and in the end nothing changes. With this button you can show your sympathy for po...
View full detailsGenius and madness lie close together. With this button you can prove(!) that you belong in the former category. But that doesn't mean that this ca...
View full detailsGood jokes are almost as great as fresh cake. If you like both, this button is just the thing. You can also use it to tell everyone about the great...
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