Even though the neurotransmitter serotonin is involved in a multitude of complex processes within the human body, people tend to call it the "happi...
View full detailsTo be or not to be, that is the question.2b, or not 2b, that is the question./(bb|[^b]{2})/ We knew it: coders are poets. If only Shakespeare had b...
View full detailsTara Reid... legendary actress (...Ahem) OK, she wasn't that bad in The Big Lebowski. But nobody expected the new low that was Sharknado.For t...
View full detailsA call, a dramatic camera pan and you realize: Shit just got real.This doesn't only happen to DEA agents à la Bad Boys, it is a common ...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
Sometimes you have more in common with a number than you think. The saying "They call me Pi because I'm irrational and can never stop." plays on se...
View full detailsOnce upon a time...That's how most fairytales begin. Like the one about Steve Jobs. Or the relationship between you and your iPhone.However, f...
View full detailsFor all those code monkeys among you ;-)
Sometimes it's astonishingly easy to hack into other computer systems. Just pick up your phone and say: "Hi. This is your system administ...
View full detailsThis quote by Linus is dead-on :)
Homo sapiens are not the top of the chain anymore - it's homo-geekeins now!
Do you remember when we were little and our mum & dad and our teachers told us about the solar system? And how many planets were there? Nine, right...
View full details'Space Invaders' is the 'Doom' of the 80's, everybody knows it! Let the old times come alive with this shirt.
Did you know?After launching it in 1978, the fixed shooter Space Invaders became so popular in Japan that after a short while, the whole country ra...
View full detailsImagine that you’ve just created a model that allows different technical systems to communicate with each other and that features different layers ...
View full detailsThe T-shirt shows a humorous scene from the waiting room of a speech therapy center, where four of the most distinctive characters from different c...
View full detailsTranslated into "normal language", the T-shirt text would read something like "Please stay at home. Don't broadcast /connect with everyone". For ex...
View full detailsNot a pretty thought, but the bitter reality with most people :-(
As an Imperial Stormtrooper, there aren't many things you can enjoy: the armour is clunky and basically useless, you have to serve more-or-less ins...
View full detailsBasically, programming has a lot in common with Lego: on the one hand, it's worth starting at a young age (keyword: practice makes perfect), and on...
View full detailsIf you think about it, dwarves are basically the perfect plumbers. After all, as a plumber you have to squeeze into narrow, tunnel-like spaces and,...
View full detailsMarksmanship is absolutely essential in battle, but is also a foreign concept for the Stormtroopers. Even handing out sweets on Halloween doesn't r...
View full detailsThe back says ACK.SYN/ACK are the "commands" that the TCP/IP protocol uses to establish every connection.
Surfing like in the goold old days will be possible again in the future. A well-known German provider plans to heavily restrict the available traff...
View full detailsThe Corona pandemic has reminded a lot of people what they should already have known: It’s important to wash your hands regularly! After all, nobod...
View full detailsNerds talk nerdy, and, if you want to get laid, well, pull the right levers and persuade your wonderwall by uttering some real geeky stuff that wil...
View full detailsHmm, obviously Doc Brown missed the fact that the TARDIS doesn't always materialise conveniently around obstacles, but simply falls from the s...
View full detailsDiscover Tatooine - the jewel of the Outer Rim Territories!Tatooine, a dusty desert planet lost in the vastness of the Outer Rim Territories, is a ...
View full detailsEver since the vaccinations began, people have posted photos of their vaccination patches and vaccination cards online. But the patch is quickly go...
View full detailsEver since the vaccinations began, people have posted photos of their vaccination patches and vaccination cards online. But the patch is quickly go...
View full detailsEver since the vaccinations began, people have posted photos of their vaccination patches and vaccination cards online. But the patch is quickly go...
View full detailsEven though the extremely popular app for catching monsters on the Go has brought millions of people back into the world of the small, cuddly monst...
View full detailsAre you an optimist or a pessimist? Simply look at the glass and tell us if it's half full or half empty ...Everyone knows this pseudo-scientific p...
View full detailsAs we all know, a good computer scientist knows how to achieve a certain goal with as little effort as possible. According to Bill Gates, a lazy pe...
View full detailsDon't you agree that it's annoying that so many people speak before they think? This shirt may help you in your struggle against the non-thinkers! :)
The ‘Beatles meet Yoda’ shirt unites several pop culture icons. Instead of George Harrison, Yoda is now the fourth member of the Beatles to adorn t...
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